It seems we engage with a lot of the same thinkers — I love John Verveake’s work.

The idea of a world view as a source of meaning is an interesting one, and what’s interesting to me is that we get to — at least in part — construct that world view. :)

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Yeah that's pretty cool we're into the same thinkers! John Vervaeke's stuff is super interesting, isn't it? The whole idea that we can kinda build our own worldview is awesome. It's like, we're not just stuck with what we're handed. We get to mix and match our experiences, beliefs, and what we learn into something that really means something to us.

Life has become a pick your own adventure game.

It seems Nietzsche's philosophy was right: the idea of god being dead and the need to create our own meaning to become the Ubermensch. Unfortunately, I feel that I am persistently failing my favorite thinkers and if anything, I am consistently an untermensch lol

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Agreed Verveake is awesome.

It really is a pick your own adventure! Haha

And yes, living up to words of our favourite thinkers seems fucking hard. But I’m pretty sure most of them felt they didn’t live up to their words either. All we can do is try :)

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